What are we doing?
April 29th, 2000 How yesterday was. I went to the knighting first. Pomp and circumstance under the leadership of our mayor. But nice. Then the reception that followed, in the deanery of my mother's church. That featured most of our family on her side, who came from all parts of the country, and a lot of the refugees for whose lives she's fought in the past and is still fighting for. It was very emotional and very gratifying. After that I spent the afternoon in the sun on a cafe terrace with one of Haarlem's better singer/guitarists, a guy called Maarten who's in his forties. He invited me to join him in a new vocal ensemble. Thus, there were war plans to be made. So I joined him for dinner at his house. After that, which was great fun, I went by a bar in the center of town to attend the farewell drinking bout for Max. He's an ex-marine, best friend of my sister's pre-current boyfriend. Today he leaves for France to begin a month-long religious pilgrimage on foot to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. The drinking lasted for another hour. And that, again, was pretty emotional. After that I went to the FietsznFabriek, a fairly new cultural establishment which sorta opened for the first time yesterday. Big feast, deejays, bands, the load. I spent three hours there, and then went home. But the day was not over yet. At the premises here there was a multi-building party featuring deejays and bands, some of whom I know very well. So that was another three hours of good fun, talk and heavy drinking (and looking at beautiful but useless girls who were interested in me but not agressive enough to actually approach me - in which case it's a nogo to me as you know). By 3 am I fell into bed obliteratingly drunk. Previous episodes:
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