Moorhuhn is a wonderfully simplistic game. You stand in a landscape, birds fly by, you shoot them and earn points for it. However, because of this delicious simplicity, it has become so popular it now has many versions, some very intricate. The tips below are for Moorhuhn 2's Winter Edition, since it is the version that, to date, is most fun to play and has the best graphics to boot.
These are not really cheats, but mere explanations of possibilities within the game. Real cheats can be obtained by installing the Trainer Patch, which is definitely fun to do once, but takes all the real sport out of the game and thus is only fun that one time.
Also, these are not all the possibilities in the game - they are the ones most useful and realistically usable when trying to gain high scores within the time allotted. You can do all kinds of things with snowflakes for instance - if you don't care about the time and your highscore.
Below is the playing field, from left to right. You can click on each part to view a larger version, which you can use to locate, within the playingfield, the objects mentioned below. We will discuss them from right to left as, in the game, you 'wake up' on the right.
left |
middle left |
middle right |
right |
General stuff
This here is your evil adversary: the moorhuhn. It must die. There is no particular reason for this: you just feel like shooting it on a sunday morning. Great pastime too. And the moorhuhn doesn't seem to mind. It just looks silly when shot. |
evil moorhuhn |
silly when shot |
Moorhen come in three varieties: those that fly up close (worth 5 points), those that fly further away (worth 10 points) and those that fly very far away (worth 25 points).
up close |
further away |
very far away |
There is one more variety not to worry about (but definitely to be shot upon sight): the motherhen or 'Memmenhuhn'. It is worth 25 points, makes funny sounds at you and pops up in your face out of nowhere.
memmenhuhn |
Basic things to hit, in order of hittability and usefulness.
The church bells in the top of both the church towers in the village. Hitting he rightmost one will cost you 25 points, but gives you 10 valuable seconds of extra playing time (and the 25 points are not deducted if that bell is the first thing you hit, since your score is still zero). The left one will get you 15 points once. Both bells will ring out nicely when hit.
On the left side of the village, just right of the forest, there's a house with four windows. Shoot between the windows and keep shooting there until the counter has reached 5. After that comes zero - but by then you've already earned 25+20+15+10+5=75 points. Note: this will not work if the house is the first thing you hit. Then, you only get the first 25.
The moon. It stands high above the village on the right, and is definitely a majorly important thing to hit. The first shot will make it a half moon, the second will extinguish it altogether. This does not earn you any points by itself. |
Bùt - it makes the lights in the village go on. This is very important. Not because you can shoot them all out, since this only gets you one point per light, unless you hit them as they come on (in which case it's anywhere between 10 points and 1 point, less the longer they've been on). It's important because WHEN you've shot them all out, fireworks will light up the village and loads of moorhen will appear, most of the flying-very-far-away-thus-worth-25-points kind. Shoot groups of moorhen very fast to get bonuses, like 'Triple Kill' (+5 points to the score), 'Unbelievable' (+10 points to the score) and 'Moorhuhn Master' (+15 points to the score).
The megalithic tomb in the middle left portion of the playing field will only earn you 20 points when shot - unless you hit it in the last five seconds of the game. Then, it will get you 50 points and crank up your score nicely. |
More Goodies
More difficult things to hit, in order of hittability and usefulness.
Shoot all the lone boulders, the small round ones that lie about on the bottom of your screen. This will seem futile, as they only earn you two points each, as the snow drops from them and the stones themselves fall out of view. |
Bùt - it gets you the special ammo, and with that special ammo you can destroy all kinds of things you couldn't damage before. For instance, you could use it to finally kill that irritating little bird in the rightmost section of the playingfield, by shooting its house so the snow on top of that drops on its head. But the bird is difficult to catch this way, and as this is the ONLY way to catch it, you're really better off leaving it be.
Particularly when there's so much else to be done with this ammo. For instance, go kill that inquisitive little fecker in the watchtower. If you hadn't already... ...and while you're at it, bring down the entire tower as well. 25+15+25=65 points! |
Then, sink that blasted boat by hitting the ice, just below it, repeatedly. Gets you fifty points and makes a rather nice hole in the ice there.
Even nicer is what you can then do to the snowman standing left of the newly created hole. Shoot just left of and below it, and it will jump to the right. After three jumps, it will cheerfully disappear into the hole you just made, earning you 50 points to a total of 80. Dance, motherfucker!
Even More Goodies
Other stuff to hit, when out for a day in Moorhuhn country.
Ah, yes, the infamous icicle huhn. Worth a wallop of 250 points, it's one of the first things you see. Do hit the right clocktower first though. There's no sense, after all, in greedily wasting a perfectly good 25 points.
Also, once you've killed the lights in the village, try hitting every Haribo airplane that inadvertently strolls along. This loses you 25 points - but it gains you 15 seconds of pure moorhuhning time, which you can use to earn much more than those 25 points, if you shoot well. If you hit an airplane before you kill the village lights, it only loses you the 25, and is therefore not a particularly good idea - although it does produce a satisfactory crash.
Game within game: get 200 points, for winning at tic-tac-toe. It's on the floor in the middle left section of the playingfield. Make your move, scroll away and back, counter the game's move, repeat process until you've won. |
And, finally, two elusive stowaways of the noteworthy kind: the mole, digs itself a way up occasionally, worth 50 points when dead. And 30 points for the cowardly ghost huhn that lurks in the bushes and makes eyes at you. Happy hunting! |