What are we doing?
September 1st, 2002
Today, completely unexpectedly, I obtained my static-line-licence for parachuting, by making the fifth jump (AO5) at Paraclub Flevoland (PCF), above their dropzone.
- It was a fine jump. The exit left some to be desired (old problem, I didn't look at the plane but at the ground, so my fine Rotterdam instructor noticed infallibly, and I was stable but, until the chute opened, went down like James Bond towards Jaws, in the trailer for Moonraker), but the flight and landing, to my mind, were perfect. All the more so since they were the first without radio guidance. Discussion arose, with Arend, about the altitudes flown over te circuit, but my altimeter really did indicate 950, 550, 100 at the three arrows. Those are disquietingly low nubers, and if you add to that that, within your landing trajectory, people are moving towards the windsock, avoiding them becomes the priority. The landing was softer than I had ever dared to hope: the estimation of the flare-moment when talking somebody down appears to be no sinecure, and I could have walked this one without a para-roll, but did not, out of insecurity.
- All this sucks, since it means I'm starting to enjoy it. I knew where I wanted to go and went there. Most disquieting.
 - But not by a long shot as disquieting as the fact that today happened at all, where my participation in it is concerned. I was, after all, not intending to make any jumps at all today. See, the weather was clear blue in Haarlem this morning, true, but the Internet-forecast for Lelystad on PCF's website indicated grey cloud in the afternoon, and I am fed up with reading the newspaper in the hangar, the entire day.
- Then Marco called, and it was great. Where, because of his row with Schelden he did not attend the course we were supposed to take part in together, today he called and asked: "Plans, this afternoon?" I: "None". He: "Thought I'd drive down to Lelystad, for a taste of the atmosphere". I {thinking}: "Ah. Has plans for jumping after all. Good. Gives me a possible chance to gain my wing as well, so..." {speaking}: "Fine, good idea." He: "I'm not sure yet if I'll go and jump myself..." I {thinking}: "Jump yourself?!? You're not A-FUCKING-LLOWED to jump yourself, moron. You haven't yet done the course, you IDIOT!" {speaking}: "Well I'M going to, if I get the chance." [there followed some explanation about me having made 4 jumps so far and thus liable to obtain my first licence and wing with the next jump] He: "Well, I've done the course, last week, so I've done two jumps so far".
You will understand my total amazement and joy. And so it was that Dracula and I jumped from the PCF, above the Vogelroad. And since this is an indescribable event, I shall make no effort.
My thanks go to PCF, THE PILOTS, my jumpmasters, my instructors Marius and Kim, the folding-instructors, Marco van Zijntergen, and my love. I'll be back, for AO6, AO7 and AO8. And then... ...we'll see. |