What are we doing?
August 21st, 2003
Things of which it is strange they did not happen much earlier:
Along the Zeedijk, where I had ended up with Henk, drinking in Café De Ooievaar (The Stork) after the working day, I suddenly looked straight into the face of Lucas 'Amor' Jansen. Strictly insane. He, namely, used to be the violinist in The Hideho's, the countryband in which I sang, at one time, for a year and a half. And he now, for some ten years already, is the same for 'La vie en rose', which on bass guitar and as manager features Paul Rijnders, a one-time Hideho too. And he was standing next to them. I must tell you, it evokes all kinds of things. Not all of it unpleasant even, for I had loads of fun, with and in The Hideho's. A kind of pity, therefore, that there was no time, for talk, because I had to pursue a plastered Henk, his life being at risk.
Once home, Palliefreund knocks at my MSN-door to announce he has refound Slim. We're talking about Stijn de Jong, the man who undoubtedly still hates me deeply, over an incident that had nothing to do with him, other than that he was present for it - and I'm talking about my departure as employee of GlobalXS, in 1996. But I've shared a home with Stijn for 10 years, he once was the drummer of those very same Hideho's, and I did and still do respect him deeply - and miss him a lot. Here's his diary.
Because I should've put it online way sooner: the recipe, for 'Chili á la Chielie' - one takes 1 pan, with 1 wooden spoon, and into it one chucks, in this order: 2 cans of kidneybeans, with attached fluid, but without the can, 1 pot of broad beans, with attached fluid, but without pot, 2 red onions, cut, 2 large tomatoes, cut, 1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow and 1 orange sweet pepper, stripped of seed and bitter rims, and cut into slices, 3 whole red peppers, and a good lot of minced beef, previously baked until brown, with loads of pepper and a bit of salt. Heat all this for 10 minutes at the most, serve it with a robust red wine, and hey presto: at low cost, and in no time, one exceeds the daily recommended amount of vitamins amply, and in good taste too.
- Oh, and about that Moroccan fellow citizen: this is a site that I didn't make - but of which I do currently do the maintenance, and have for a few weeks now.