What are we doing?

January 4th, 2004

So, what does a van Reenen do, with a springtime dip like that?

Get absolutely drunk in Café 'De Souteneur', with some fellow Socmembers, there to drop the mobile telephone in the loo, then to go home and wonder, for the rest of the weekend, what the hell that fight with Bert and Kees, at the end of New Year's Eve, was all about (for not the slightest clue remains).
Pen some angry observations about that springtime dip, write a poem about it, work up the marching report of a fellow Socmember and put it online afterwards, pen some less angry observations about that report, do the laundry, bring New Year's Eve's 12 empty winebottles to the bottle bank, vacuum the floors, mop the floors and catch up on the English translation of the own homepage, lagging three months behind, clean sitting room table and kitchen surfaces with detergent, play some Worms and cycle to and back from A.J. van der Pigge chemist's, purveyor to the Royal Household, to get a large jar of uddersalve.
Have a good conversation, about music, with Richard Stekelenburg, popjournalist with the local newspaper, in Café 'Het Wapen van Bakenes (The Bakenes Arms)'.